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The WPCA oversees the operation and maintenance of an extensive sewerage system that includes 205 miles of pipeline, 22 pumping stations, and an 18 million gallon per day (MGD) advanced secondary wastewater treatment plant.

The Sewerage System for the City of Norwalk includes three primary components; the collection system, pumping stations, and a wastewater treatment plant located at 60 South Smith Street. Wastewater treated by the WPCA at its South Smith Street facility is discharged into the Norwalk River and must meet both federal and state effluent quality standards.

The WPCA is organized to ensure the necessary professional, technical and skilled personnel, specialized facilities and equipment, and financial resources are available to allow it to comply with federal and state regulations. As an enterprise fund of the City of Norwalk, its operations are expected to be financially self-sufficient.

The WPCA Board of Directors consists of nine (9) voting members. The Chief of Operations and Public Works and the Chief Finance Officer serve as ex officio members without the right to vote. The WPCA currently employs three full-time staff members.

The Norwalk WPCA proudly supports the communities it serves and offers its facilities to local teachers and classrooms for educational purposes.

WPCA Goals & Objectives

  • Make significant progress in key areas such as collections system operation and maintenance, solids dewatering and odor control, asset preservation, enhanced operations, and high quality effluent
  • Complete update to Sanitary Sewer Collection System Hydraulic Model and Master Plan, including long-term infrastructure improvements, and Inflow and Infiltration reduction.
  • Continue Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance Program
  • Complete update of Water Pollution Control Facility Facilities Plan
  • Maintain partnership and pollutant source tracking with Harbor Watch Program of Earthplace

History of the WPCA

Let us tell you our story...

Sewerage System Through the Years