View general section, question 1 under FAQ
Visit FAQLearn about billing and fees for sewer use, connections, and IPP program
Visit PageLearn about Fats, Oils, and Grease regulations for business buildings
Visit PageView FAQ’s "Sewer billing" section, question 2 on FAQ page
Visit FAQAll current projects for the City of Norwalk
Visit PageKeep up with the latest news & announcements
Visit PageInformation you need about new sewer connections including fees, sign-off forms, and checklists.
Visit PageSanitary sewer permit process and requirements
Visit PageFrequently asked questions, resources, and customer service information for residents
Visit PageLearn how to report a sewer back up and submit a claim
Visit PageView information regarding general billing and the appeals process
Visit PageView FAQ’s “Reporting an Issue” section, question 1 on FAQ page
View FAQView FAQ's "General" section, question 3 on FAQ page
View FAQSee all past and upcoming meetings and agendas
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