To confirm whether your residence is on septic or sewer:
For additional information, please contact: Nelya Bauer. Phone: 203-854-7235, Email:
See the City of Norwalk GIS map for sanitary sewer infrastructure in your area:
For additional information, contact the Customer Service Center at 203-854-3200 (Monday–Friday, 8am–4pm)
The WPCA Office is located at 15 S Smith St, Norwalk CT 06855 and the hours are 7am–3:30pm
WPCA meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the Month at 5:30pm. The meeting schedule can be here found here:
Information on current projects can be found on Current Projects page
Information on applying for a FOG permit can be found under the FOG for Business page.
For additional information, please contact: Chris Cavaliere, 203-854-3235,
The WPCA will contact applicants within 2 weeks of a FOG permit submission.
For FOG sampling questions and report requests, please contact: Chris Cavaliere, 203-854-3235,
Information on applying for a septage hauler license can be found on Septage Hauler Regulations and Registration. For additional information, please contact: Shadram Thelusca, 203-854-3211,
Information on applying for a temporary discharge can be found on Industrial Pretreatment program page. For additional information, please contact: Chris Cavaliere, 203-854-3235,
If you’re experiencing a sanitary sewer backup or a disruption in sewer service within your home, please contact the Customer Service Center at 203-854-3200 (Monday–Friday, 8 am - 4 pm). Visit the customer service center.
For assistance after hours, please contact Veolia at 203-943-0222
The team will make every effort to respond to the backup as quickly as possible
More information on reporting a sewer backup can be found here: How to Report a Sewer Backup
The sewer lateral that runs from the house to the sewer main is the homeowner's responsibility. The "Y" connection at the city sewer main is the responsibility of the WPCA. Information related to sanitary sewers is found in Chapter 91 Sewer, Public of the City Code
For assistance after hours, please contact Veolia at 203-943-0222
The team will make every effort to respond to the backup as quickly as possible
More information on reporting a sewer backup can be found here: How to Report a Sewer Backup
Information on sewer use fees can be found on the Rates & Fees page
Sewer use charges are billed semi-annually and, in most cases, included on your real estate tax bill. If you have a mortgage and an escrow agent pays your real estate taxes,yourescrow agent will most likely also pay your sewer use charges to the City on yourbehalf since they appear on the real estate tax bill. Sewer use charges are billed July 1stand January 1st each year and due by August 1st and February 1st respectively.
For additional information, please contact: Dilene Byrd. Phone: 203-854-3228, Email:
Information on filing an appeal can be found on the Sewers Use Fees page under the Sewer Use Fee Policy and Adjustments and Appeals Process section.
For additional information, please contact Dilene Byrd. Phone: 203-854-3228, Email:
Please contact the Tax Collector Office:
Information on applying for a new connection can be found on the Connection Fees page.
For additional information, please contact: Dilene Byrd. Phone: 203-854-3228, Email: