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Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

Facility Plan Update:

The most recent comprehensive Facility Plan for the Norwalk Water Pollution Control Facility (Norwalk WPCF) was approved in 2009 by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). The Facility Plan was prepared for a planning period of 2010 – 2030. As the Norwalk WPCF remains within the planning period of the prior Report, the WPCA’s consultant, Arcadis, is assisting the WPCA in updating some components of the WPCF Facility Plan based on the current status of the Norwalk WPCF and future goals. The Facility Plan Update will be prepared as an Addendum to the prior Plan by reviewing changes to the discharge permit, modifications to existing facilities, evaluating potential improvements and recommending alternatives for implementation. The update will be limited in scope and will focus on the following unit processes: Secondary Treatment (Blowers and Aeration Tanks), Final Settling Tanks and Wet Weather Treatment, as other areas of the WPCF have either recently been upgraded or studied.

The Facility Plan Update will include the following components:

  • An assessment of existing and future flows and loads and current treatment efficiency and capabilities;
  • Review of NPDES discharge permit limits;
  • Development and evaluation of alternatives for Aeration, Final Settling Tank and Wet Weather Improvements; and
  • Development of a recommended plan, including a multi-year capital improvement program that emphasizes phased implementation of improvements to minimize the impact on rate payers

SCADA System Enhancements:

The work includes various SCADA improvements such as remote mobile viewing of the plant SCADA system, new level instrumentation, expand integration of existing equipment into SCADA, enhanced reporting, increased monitoring and more intricate controls of equipment throughout the plant and collections system.

Pump Stations

Comprehensive Pump Station Upgrades:

  • In May 2021, the WPCA entered into a construction contract with Kovacs Construction Corporation to provide all materials, equipment, labor and supervision for Comprehensive Upgrades to the Five Mile, Old Trolley Way, Woodward Avenue and Karen Drive Pump Stations. Work includes architectural, structural, mechanical, HVAC, and electrical improvements. Project completion is anticipated by Fall 2023.

Collection System:

Relocation of Sanitary Sewer at Wall Street and 2 Knight Street:

  • The project includes relocation of the existing 30” sanitary sewer and installation of a permanent high-flow bypass chamber.

Bell Island / Sammis St Design Project:

  • The WPCA’s consultant, Brown and Caldwell, has been tasked to conduct a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation and Design of sewer piping tributary to Sammis Street Pump Station and Bell Island Pump Station. This task order also includes evaluation and design of sewer piping in low lying areas, known areas of concern, and development of bid documents for the rehabilitation of selected sewer piping.

Coming Soon

  • Catch Basin Disconnect Program
  • Hubbells Lane Relief Sewer
  • Dreamy Hollow Project