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Septage Hauler Regulations and Registration

The WPCA is able to accept liquid septic tank or cesspool wastes at the Septage Receiving Station located at the Norwalk Water Pollution Control Facility in accordance with the Rules and Regulations For Discharge of Septage Waste. Septic tank truck owners or their agents are permitted to dispose of liquid septic tank or cesspool wastes which have originated within the City of Norwalk, the Town of Wilton, or other towns that have executed an agreement with the Norwalk WPCA during the following hours of operation: Monday thru Friday 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Saturday 6:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Septage Receiving Station is closed on Sundays and Holidays

General Information

Vehicle owners are required to renew their licenses/registrations every June at a location and date specified by the WPCA.

  • Each truck must be inspected and an application filled out by a Sanitarian from the Norwalk Health Department prior to license/registration approval.
  • If approved, one (1) septage disposal permit sticker for each vehicle will be issued to the applicant. Each vehicle must display the sticker as long as the license/registration is valid.

Licensed/registered haulers disposing septic tank or cesspool liquid wastes at the Norwalk Septage Receiving Station shall be charged a fee based on volume per load at $100 per 1000 gallons (effective September 10, 2002).

License/Registration Renewal Form


For additional information, please contact:
Shadram Thelusca