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Industrial Pretreatment (IPP) Program

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP)regulates the discharge of industrial wastewater to the ground water, surface water, and to sewage treatment plants. These discharge limits and requirements for treatment, monitoring and reporting are designed to protect the waters of the state from pollution. Individual permits customized to an applicant and General permits issued to authorize similar activities by one or more applicants are available for industrial waste water discharges. The CTDEEP General permit set terms and conditions for Miscellaneous Industrial Users (MIU) and when complied with, are protective of the environment.

MIU wastewater includes but is not limited to air compressor condensate & blowdown, boiler blowdown, building maintenance wastewater, commercial laundry wastewater, contact cooling &heating water, cutting & grinding wastewater, fire suppression system test water, food processing wastewater, hydrostatic pressure testing wastewater, water treatment wastewater, and vehicle maintenance wastewater.

The WPCA receives and reviews discharge notifications and monitoring reports, and, in conjunction with DEEP, enforces effluent limits and permit conditions of MIU wastewater discharges under the CTDEEP General Permit.